Our Services


Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy | SC Wellness Technique

Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy

SC Wellness works with women during preconception, pregnancy and postpartum to help them prepare for pregnancy, birth and reconnect with their postpartum body. Sessions consist of an integrative approach combining pelvic floor and orthopedic physical therapy with concepts of Pilates, yoga, and functional training to restore the body and the pelvic floor. Hands-on therapies consist of myofascial release, cupping, and more. Your pelvic floor physical therapy sessions will be one-on-one, 60-120 minute sessions with Stephanie ensuring a complete and personalized recovery or preparatory plan for you.

There is an option for virtual sessions.

60 Min In Person or Virtual Evaluation: $250
60 Min In Person or Virtual Treatment: $225

120 Min In Person Evaluation: $425

120 Min In Person Treatment: $400

Wondering if this is for you? Schedule a free 15 minute discovery call.




Stephanie is a Pilates instructor with training through STOTT Pilates and Power Pilates. Stephanie is able to incorporate principles of pilates method in her pelvic floor physical therapy sessions with a combination of mat work and Pilates Reformer when indicated.

Currently not offering pilates alone. See physical therapy pricing above.



Common Conditions We Treat


Common Pregnancy Conditions

✓ Exercise program development and modification

✓ Balancing the pelvic to optimize position and prepare for birth

✓ Round Ligament Pain

✓ Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (SPD)

✓ Pain: hip, back, pelvic girdle, neck

✓ Sciatica

✓ Tailbone pain (coccydynia)

✓ Incontinence

✓ Constipation

✓ Hemorrhoids

✓ Preparation for birth

✓ Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

Common Postpartum Conditions

✓ Exercise program development and progression

✓ Return to running postpartum

✓ Diastasis Recti

✓ Constipation

✓ Leaking urine with exercise, laughing, coughing, sneezing (Stress incontinence)

✓ Urgency/Frequency

✓ Tailbone pain

✓ Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP)

✓ Waking up at night to urinate (nocturia)

✓ Pain: hip, back, pelvic, neck

✓ Painful sex/penetration (dyspareunia)

✓ Vaginismus

✓ Scar pain or scar immobility (c-section, tearing or episiotomy)


Ready to get started?